Sunday, April 29, 2007

12 days old

Words can not express how much I love her!
Tummy time! She is so strong...lifting her head a little and kicking all over the place.
Sleep time. This is one of her favorite positions.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Birth Story...

We went in for my scheduled induction at 7 am on Tuesday the 17th. I have never been in the hospital before in my life so everything about this day was going to be new for me. After two tries (my first vein burst) the IV went in at 7.45. I received my first dose of Pitocin at 8.20 and the doc broke my water at 8.25. I was already contracting before the Pitocin, but I was still at 2 centimeters. The contractions started getting more consistent and more intense every time Samantha (the nurse) came in to up the dose about every 30 minutes. They say they need 30 minutes notice before they can give you the epidural b/c they pump you full of fluids. My goal was to try and make it to 5 centimeters before needing the drugs. I made it to 11 am. I was in a lot of pain so I was sure I was progressing. The doc came and gave me the epidural. It definitely stings, but it's not that bad. She gave me an instant shot of pain meds and I could feel my legs and feet start to tingle immediately. Doc Christian came and checked me at noon and I was almost 4 centimeters. I'm such a wimp. I was sure I could make it to 5. At this point he said that I should progress about a centimeter an hour. At 2.00 pm I was almost 7 centimeters...moving along nicely. Samantha checked me at 4.00 pm and I was still at a 7. She increased the Pitocin and checked me again at 5.00 pm. Still 7 and actually going backwards. My cervix was starting to swell and not thin like it should be. I was getting worried, but couldn't do anything until the doc checked me again. At 6.00 pm Doc Christian checked me again and there was no good news. Still at 7 and he confirmed what Samantha had said. He said that since my contractions were so regular that I should be progressing. Since I was stuck at 7 centimeters for 4 hours he decided that the best thing to do was a c-section. There was no rush b/c I was fine and her heartbeat was great so he let me cry it out a little. I was so scared. I go from never having an IV before in my life to having surgery. It was all so much to take in, but I had to do what was best for both of us. The Pitocin was stopped and the anesthesiologist came in to start the increase in the epidural. Michael got dressed in his scrubs and I was wheeled to surgery at 6.45 pm. Here's where the problems started. The epidural wasn't working as good as it was supposed to. They did a toothpick check starting at my shoulders and I could still feel them poking all the way down to my belly. They kept giving me more drugs and decided to numb my stomach locally with a shot b/c I could feel the first cut that he made. It worked, kind of, and he then had to numb me on the inside. They told me that if I could still feel it after all of that the only option was to put me under. I didn't want that b/c then I would not be able to see her so I toughed it out. They say you should only feel pulling and pressure, but I swear I could feel pain. They say it's very unusal and rare for the epidural to not work the way it's supposed to and I was one of the lucky ones who got to experience that. They let Michael in the room right before pulling her out. She was born at 7.07 pm and hearing her cry was the best thing ever. I got to see her for a quick minute and that was it. I was still aware of what was going on, but they gave me morphine which made me close my eyes. Everything else from this point on was a blur. Michael went with her to the nursery where our family was waiting. I have to brag a little...she got a 9 and a 10 on her Apgar test! The nurses said that they rarely give out a 10. It made me happy knowing she was so healthy. They wheeled me back to my room and Michael brought her in to see me. I got to feed her immediately and then everyone came to visit. I was still on the Pitocin for a little after the surgery and the drugs were a flowing. They gave me a good dose of morphine through the epidural so it was a slow release for most of the night. So, there you have it. One of the worst parts was not being able to eat or drink for almost 40 hours. I got out of bed for the first time on Wednesday and was able to shower Wednesday night. It also sucked not being able to get out of bed to go to her when she cried. I didn't change her diaper until Thursday. But, I am one of the luckiest girls in the world. I have the best husband who was so good to me and Addison over the three days. She definitely got a lot of daddy time.

Things are going well at home. Michael went back to work today so it was my first day with her by myself. We had a good day. I had her in her crib for a little looking at herself in the mirror and listening to music. She went to the pediatrician yesterday and is doing really good. She was 7 lbs 13 ounces when she left the hospital and is already back up to 8 lbs 1 ounce. The doc said we were doing everything right. She's our perfect little angel and we love her so much. She only really cries when she's hungry or has her diaper changed and she's breastfeeding like a champ. She sleeps pretty good, but we're still working on a routine.

We couldn't be happier!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Addison Grace!
Born 4/17/07 at 7.07 pm
8 lbs, 10 ounces
20.5 inches long

Here's the short story...I went in for my scheduled induction on Tuesday and after being 7 centimeters for 4 hours with no progression, Dr. Christian thought it best to do a c-section. It gets more complicated from here and I will post more tomorrow when I'm feeling a little better. But, we're home now and everything is going great. Here is a couple of pictures and the link to the rest we took over the past three days.

Not my favorite, but here is Daddy's girl!

Monday, April 16, 2007

39 weeks, 6 days: I guess this is it!

Well, she didn't come this weekend like I hoped she would, so I'm still sitting here pregnant. I'm not giving up hope yet. I have about 13 hours left until we head to the hospital in the morning for the induction. I'm still having contractions, but nothing too strong or regular enough to go in. I've been home from work all day doing some final things around the house, resting and waiting. I'm ready now. I'm ready to meet this person who has been growing inside of me. I'm still nervous, scared and excited, but ready. Michael told me this morning to "enjoy my last day of freedom for the next 18 years". Reality check? We're going to be parents tomorrow!!! I couldn't be happier. Here's the last belly pic. This was taken Saturday night, 39 weeks, 4 days. The next pic will be of Addison. Thanks to everyone for all the nice thoughts over the past nine months. It's been so fun sharing this experience. More to come tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

39 weeks, 2 days: Two centimeters!

That's the word from Dr. Christian. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it's good news for me. My body is doing what it's supposed to do. Everything looks great. Heartbeat was 142 and I'm up 3 more lbs (I think it's all in my feet). That puts me at 149, up 45 lbs to date. And...if she doesn't make her appearance over the next couple of days then I'm being induced on Tuesday the 17th, my actual due date. There's no need for concern. He just doesn't want her to get too big. I'm excited and nervous and a little scared all at the same time. I can't believe it's actually time. Tomorrow will be my last day at work and hopefully I'll be able to get all the last minute things done that I need or want to get done. I'm still hoping for her to come on her own over the next couple of days and with the increase in contractions and pressure that still may be the case. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll try to update as much as possible to keep everyone updated. Can't wait for everyone to meet Addison.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

39 weeks, 1 day: Quick update

I should know more when I go to the doc tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around...and pregnant! No Addison yet, but we're ready! We spent all weekend cleaning and getting things in their final place. Bags are packed. Car seat is in the car. Everyone is on call. Now we just wait. It's still the usual for me. My feet are really bad today, my allergies are still driving me insane, I can't sleep and now I'm on the "pee every two hour" schedule. I've indulged in some brownies, cookies and ice cream over the past few days, but have still been eating healthy meals. I feel like I'm finally caught up at work and can comfortably pass things off when I leave. I'm just at the end now and ready for it all to be over so I can hold my little one.

Update on Lauren...Lyla was born Monday morning. I talked to Lauren soon after birth and she sounded great! The whole thing was about 12 hours for her. I hope I'm that lucky. Congrats to Lauren, Greg and big sister Presley! We love you guys!

More tomorrow.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

38 weeks, 2 days: Nothing....

Went to the doc today and that's what's going on...nothing! I was hoping for something at my first internal exam, but nada. I saw Dr. Rodriguez today and I was able to get some more info about the baby. He said her head is pretty really low which is a good sign. Her heartbeat was 154 and she's still moving around a lot. She likes to do this "butt thing" while I'm laying on the table. She sticks it really far out and it looks like an alien growing in there. He saw her do it and started feeling around naming body parts...butt, leg, feet. Everything is where I thought it was. I asked for a weight estimate and he said maybe 7 lbs, but he didn't think she was big at all. Whew! That's good for me. I'm still measuring right at 38 weeks and no weight gain! Still 146. After this past weekend I was sure I gained something. I was SOOOO cream, O
reos, pizza, Qdoba, Joe's Crab Shack. I'm to the point now where I'm just hungry all the time again and only have two weeks left so who cares!!! The inducing subject came up again and he advised that I don't do it unless I'm 3-4 centimeters already dilated or it's medically necessary. Either way they won't let me go past 41 weeks so we'll at least have a baby by the 24th, hopefully sooner. It's been awhile so here is an update belly pic taken on Saturday - 37 weeks, 4 days.
We headed down to the beach this past weekend while Michael's mom, sister and niece were in town. We ate at Joe's Crab Shack and then hung out for 30 minutes at the beach. Hannah had a good time playing in the water. Here are a couple of pics. Me and Angela at Joe's...I think my nose is growing along with my belly...Did I mention that I love living near the beach? Me and Hannah...she rubbed my belly all weekend and loved when Addison would kick her back.One for the books. I look like a whale! This one will definitely get laughed at when I go back and look at it 10 years from now. I love you honey! Thanks for rubbing my feet all the time. You're the best!
More updates to come. -Erika