Thursday, March 27, 2008


For the books...I swear that Addison has started to say "ma-ma" this week. She was crawling around the other morning looking for me as I was getting ready and I heard her say it a couple of times. It was the sweetest thing. She sure loves her mommy.

We went to the allergist yesterday for a follow up visit. I told him that Addison is still getting colds here and there, but I don't feel like they are nearly as bad as they used to be. There's only been two times that we've had to use the nebulizer because she was so congested. We decided to keep her on the Singulair until the end of the cold/flu season which is May 31st. We'll see how it goes after that.

I added a bunch of pics to Shutterfly last week. I'm also working on some more videos that I should have up soon.

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