Monday, November 20, 2006

18 weeks, 6 days: A big weekend

A lot of stuff took place over the weekend. Michael, his dad and brother painted the nursery. It turned out exactly like I pictured it. I've been trying to stay away from the smell, so I'll post pictures when it's a little more complete. My brother dropped off the furniture for the nursery and the crib is now set up. And, most importantly, Michael was able to feel the baby move yesterday. It felt like she did a complete flip! It was pretty fun to share with him what I've been feeling for the past couple of days. I can't wait to have more "first's". They're fun to experience...well most of them.


Friday, November 17, 2006

18 weeks, 3 days: Our baby girl!

Here she is! Legs spread open for the world to see that she isn't a boy (and you would be able to tell). Isn't her bottom cute...

Profile pic. I love how you can see her spine.
Her little foot...

Another profile picture. That's the cutest nose I've ever seen!

I'm going to work on getting the video transferred to digital so hopefully I can post a link soon. I've already watched it about 5 times so I'm worried I may wear out the tape!

Love ya!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

18 weeks, 2 days: A special note...

Hi all! It's me...the baby! Today was a big day for me. Mom and dad got to see what I looked like today and I was a show off. I was flipping and turning all over the place, but did take a moment to strike a pose for one of my first still photos. And...what did it reveal? I'm sure you all want to know. Okay, okay. Here goes...

I'm a healthy little GIRL and mom and dad are so excited! They were able to see my heart beating, see me take a few breaths, and my feet were kicking all over the place. They have several pictures to post and share, but mom is still working on the formatting. She'll post them as soon as she can (or I'll kick her until she does). As for now, I'll continue to grow bigger and stronger everyday. I can't wait to meet everyone in April!

I better go. It's getting late and I'm sure I need a nap. Hope to talk to everyone soon!

Me...the little bean!

(P.S. My cousin Hannah helped decorate mom's belly.)

Monday, November 13, 2006

17 weeks, 6 days: Something new!

That something new is some of the worst pain I have experienced in my entire life...a charlie horse! We had our client dinner on Thursday the 9th. I was on my feet all day helping to get ready for the event and really didn't sit down until bed. And that night I woke up, screaming in pain. Who knows what Michael thought. I've only had a charlie horse twice in my entire life so I remembered to pull my toes back and the pain stopped within a minute or two. WOW!!! If I never have another one of those I will be very happy. Saturday my calf was still so sore that I could barely walk. It's feeling better today after doing some stretching exercises over the weekend. Now I'm back on the bananas (only half at a time) hoping that will help.

Thursday is the big day and I can't wait!
Michael and I did a lot of prepping this weekend. We took a bunch of clothes to Goodwill, he primered the walls to get ready for the pink or blue paint, and we painted some of the closet doors around the house. We're going to get the chair rail this week and have that and the trim in the room painted by Thursday. Since Michael's parents and siblings will be here this weekend and they're willing to help, we hope to have the entire nursery painted. It feels a little early, but this will keep me from having to be around the paint fumes. Hopefully the baby will cooperate with us on Thursday so we can find out what S/He is. More on that to come.

I'm still feeling good. I have a few head pains here and there (like today), but nothing too major. I love eating the spicy, mexican type food, but I think the heartburn is starting to get to me. Who knows how much longer I'll be able to endulge in my favorites!!!

Better go. I'll post the good news later this week.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

16 weeks, 2 days: Another picture!

I'm running a day behind, but here's the monthly picture taken last night:

After getting over the initial shock regarding what the doc said about the weight gain, I've taken some of it to heart. I'm trying to tame my appetite a little by eating smaller snacks and drinking more water. It seems to be working. For the past fews days I didn't have the major urge to stuff my face every four hours like I'm used to. And I ate a bigger, healthier breakfast which seems to stick with me a lot longer. I also read up on a few things and the hunger does seem to get better about this time. Exercise? Started last night and did a mile and a half on the treadmill and some other strengthening stuff that I found on the internet. Let's just hope that I can keep it up! With the nausea behind me, the only thing that will get in my way are the headaches...which still sneak up on me. I got one Thursday afternoon (probably from being upset about what the doc told me) and it didn't go away until Sunday. Pure misery!!! I'm hanging in there though.

Everything else is still good. I plan on going to get my blood drawn again today for the neuro test they run on the baby. I wasn't nervous that much the first time, but I'm scared to death now!!! I just hope the same guy is working since he did a good job last time of not hurting me too much. I'm off to eat lunch so I don't pass out at the lab. Be back soon!
