Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Here's Addison looking for her presents. Santa brought her a lot of great things. Her favorites? Her spoon and the boxes. She also got her two front teeth for Christmas. Probably another reason she liked her spoon so much.
This was the runner up for the Christmas card. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We had a great first Christmas with Addison. More updates and pictures soon.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Meeting Santa

Santa made a visit to Addison's school last week and as you can see, it didn't go too well. Just another one of those "torture" moments taken to appease the parents.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The big city

It was tough getting there (bad weather and a delayed flight), but we made it. I got sick with a fever the Tuesday before leaving and finally started to feel better Friday morning. We did so much in so little time. Here's a couple of pictures before I head to bed. First thing we did in the city - ice skating at Rockefeller Plaza.View from the top of the Empire State Building. Yeah, it was cold.Macy's. Everything in the city is decorated for Christmas. There are lights and Christmas trees on every corner. Loved it!Grand Central Station happened to be right next to our hotel.Tons more pictures that I'll post as soon as I can. Work will be crazy this week since it's my last full week of the year. We both had so much fun, but were so happy to be back at home to see our sweet little girl. I missed her so much! I don't think I could get out of the car faster.

Quick update

We're back from New York City. The trip was so much fun. Thanks Michael for a fantastic birthday present.

Addison is 8 months old today. She's doing so many new things...like crawling!!! Last night was the first time. Thanks for waiting until we got back.

I'll post pics from the trip and some shots of Addison soon.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...Busy, busy, busy. Things have been non stop since Thanksgiving. But I did find time to decorate the house. Michael and I decided to upgrade the 3 foot tree and go for a bigger one. I'm still not ready for a real tree, but I do think my fake one turned out kind of nice (not the best picture). Addison really hasn't taken an interest in it yet. Maybe I'll get lucky. Her new favorite things are electrical cords and the vertical blinds. She wastes no time trying to find the quickest route to both.

Bath time is one of my favorite times with Addison. She's really starting to enjoy the water. I have some bubbles in there that I blow and she likes when they land on her. Here she is swimming with her cup. The girl LOVES cups! She won't drink from them yet, but she loves to play and chew on them.
This was after the bath trying to get her dressed for bed. Sitting still doesn't happen much anymore. She still isn't officially crawling, but loves to scoot, roll around and stand as much as possible. She'll pull up to her knees and thinks I am her human jungle gym. Who knows? Maybe she'll skip crawling and go straight to walking.
Thanksgiving pictures and others added to the shutterfly link. Check it out!