Monday, February 26, 2007

32 weeks, 6 days: Our weekend project

Michael and I were very crafty this weekend. He finished painting the letters and then we attached the ribbon. Here is the almost finished project...
I say almost finished because I plan on hot gluing the green gingham bows over the nails once they are hung on the wall. This is what they will actually look like once everything is completed.
And here is the crib all put together with the bedding and the curtain we hung last weekend. It's all coming together. Now all we need is the baby!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

32 weeks, 2 days: Another doc visit

I LOVE this every two week thing!!! First things first...the baby's heartbeat was at 150 bpm and the doc said that she is definitely growing (hopefully not too much). Weight gain you ask? Only 2 pounds! I think it's only normal for me to gain a pound a week at this point so I'm happy. Right on target. I've been doing really well with my diet, trying to eat somewhat healthy and I think it's working. I admit that it is getting harder to stay away from the junk food and sweets. This past weekend Michael and I had rootbeer floats (good memories of swimming at my grandparents), but I did buy the lowfat ice cream. Doesn't that count for something?

Michael and I did some projects for the nursery this past weekend. We started to paint the letters for her name and I found the perfect ribbon to hang them at Walmart of all places. It matches the bedding perfectly! And, I walked through the craft dept and found some cute wooden flowers that I'm going to paint for decorations. More painting of some shelves this weekend and we'll be all done. Still have to wait to actually put anything on the walls until we get the rocker, which will hopefully be here soon. We also changed out the window shade and put up the new curtains. I can't wait to have it all finished! I'll take some pictures this weekend of the progress so far.

As for other things...I'm starting to swell a little. I just noticed it the past couple of days. My rings go on fine in the morning, but are a little snug in the afternoon when I go to take them off. I don't think I have "cankles" yet, but my feet are a little swollen. Today was the first day the nurse asked me about it and said that this is about the time that it starts to happen. Michael and I are still in amazement at how much the baby moves. Her kicks are definitely harder now and sometimes they are a little uncomfortable. Last night she was making the weirdest shapes and bulges that we have ever seen. And her favorite time to kick is when we have just turned the lights off for bed and Michael puts his arm around me in bed. I think she knows he's there.

One more thing...huge props to Michael for getting me a pregnancy massage and pedicure for Valentine's Day! I go this Saturday at 1:30 and I can't wait! My back has been doing a little better, but I still need it. Love you honey!

More to come soon...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

30 weeks, 2 days: Not a fun night

Last night around 9.30 I started having really bad back pain and very uncomfortable pressure. I went back and forth on whether something was wrong and did I need to call the doc, but knowing I had an appt this morning I tried to make it through the night. I took a shower at 1.30 in the morning to see if I could relax and try to get some sleep. It helped. I slept from 2am to 4am and then again from about 5am to 6am. I'm now trying to function on 3 hours of sleep and it's not working too well. I went to the doc this morning and turns out I have some kind of bladder/urinary tract infection. He gave me a Rx that should help with some of the discomfort and told me that if I ever have concerns that I should call the office - 24/7. That made me feel a lot better. I was just so unsure of what to do last night, but I never let myself get too freaked out. I handled it a lot better than I thought I would. Yeah for me!!!

As for the stats...the baby's heartbeat was 140 bpm and I've gained another 7 POUNDS!!! I'm up to 136 now, 32 pounds so far. He's started me on two week appts now so I go back on the 22nd. Can't wait! The more frequent appts mean that it's all getting closer and that my weight gain won't look so bad. Won't be too long now. We still have a ton to do, but it's all coming along.

Guess I better go. I'm going to head home soon and try to get some rest.

Updates soon!

Monday, February 5, 2007

29 weeks, 6 days: Fun stuff...

Here are some pictures I took this weekend. I even included one of my face since I looked somewhat presentable. And if it looks like I'm huge that's because I AM!!! Doc appt on Thursday so I'll update with the official weigh in then.

I did pick up a pair of $7.00 maternity camo pants this weekend at Old Navy. I've never owned anything camo in my life and I love them! I'll share those with you soon.

Love ya! -Erika

Friday, February 2, 2007

29 weeks, 3 days: We felt a foot!

The coolest thing happen last night. I was sitting in the recliner watching the baby dance around and there it was, poking me in the side...her little foot!!! Michael came over and we sat there pushing on her and she would kick us back. It was so visible and distinct and you could almost tell how big it was. Today she's doing the same thing. I just love it! I can't wait to see that little foot and count her toes.

And, a little humor...I was getting in my car at lunch time and split the front of my pants - big time! Probably from having to step up into the car since that has gotten a little harder to do. Right now I'm wearing a men's medium Intrepid shirt so I don't expose myself to the world. Had to make a note of it so I can come back and laugh at it later.

I also just realized that I didn't take any 28 week picutres. I will take some and post this weekend.