Milestones and such
Thought I would jot these down for the 9 month mark.
*Addison is crawling all over the place. The first time she did it was December 16th, the night we got back from New York. It took her another two weeks to realize that it was a better mode of transportation than the army crawl, but now she is an old pro. She's all over the place, especially when playing 'follow the leader' with Michael and I.
*She's in to everything. It took me awhile to get all of the Christmas stuff unpacked and put away. Addison had a great time with all of the clutter. This is what I found her doing while I was getting ready for work. (It's not the best lighting, but I didn't want to distract her.)
*Finger foods are her favorite. She loves to feed herself. She's now eating three meals a day and loves to snack in between. So far she's had some puffs, bitter biscuits, cheese, banana, pasta, veggies, bread and some small pieces of french fries from Chick-fil-a. I know. Not the healthiest, but I could tell she really wanted a taste.
*I think she's allergic to yogurt. I gave her some a week or two ago and she had a rash for 4 days. She hasn't had it since and the rash hasn't come back. I don't think it's the dairy since she has no reaction to the cheese or formula, but rather the cultures. We'll try again in a few months and see what happens.
*She has this new move which I like to call the alligator death roll. She displays this mostly during diaper changes and getting dressed. The back is arched and she refuses to hold still. Sometimes she likes to use this move when getting into the car seat. I'm hoping it's just a phase.
*She can say "uh, oh"...And understand it. Michael dropped something tonight and she was the first one to say it.
*She holds her own bottle. This started Christmas vacation. Sure did make me happy.
*She drinks water from her sippy cup with snacks and meals. Sometimes you have to tip it for her a little, but she has it down for the most part.
*She would rather stand than sit. Mostly to bang on things. She's always curious to see what is sturdy enough to pull up on. That lack of fear has led to a few falls.
*She loves to snuggle when she's tired. She'll crawl over to me and lay against me just to let me know it's time for a nap or bed.
I'm sure there are many more, but those are the highlights. She's such a joy to have in our lives and so much fun to be around. I love watching her grow and learn about the world around her. I feel so lucky to have such a sweet baby girl. We love you Addison!