Tuesday, August 15, 2006

5 weeks: Meeting Dr. Christian...

The doc called yesterday. Someone cancelled, so I was IN for 3.15. First things first - had to pee in a cup. Knew that was coming. Another positive!!! Whew...They confirmed what I already knew. I was 4 weeks, 6 days along and due on April 17th! With that all out of the way, Michael (yes, he was able to go with me) and I went and met Dr. Christian. My friend Hollie here at work has had 3 children with him and she speaks very highly of him. And, here's the best part...he looks a little like Santa Claus! "Hello world! Oh, hi Santa!" He explained to us how his office works, gave me some stuff to read, more paperwork to fill out and an updated Rx for vitamins. He also gave me a Rx for Fioricet for my migraines and reassured me that taking tylenol and using my heating pad for my head was totally safe. I can pretty much go about life like I have been doing, just with a little one growing inside of me...My next doc appt is Aug 31st. I'll be a little over 7 weeks along so I'll get bloodwork done then and hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat! (Not looking forward to the needles, but I guess I better get used to it...)

I ordered Tshirts today for Rusty (Michael's brother) and my Grandmother. They both say "I'm going to be an Uncle/Great Grandma again and all I got was this stinkin' t-shirt". The idea is for them to hold up their gift and everyone to read it and be SURPRISED!!! Hope it works. We're heading to TN on Labor Day weekend to break the news to Michael's family and hopefully we'll make it to Gville before then. Not real sure how to tell dad yet, but it will be around the same time.

Oh, one more thing (this if for Angela, Michael's sister)...you called me today and you had a "feeling" that we were coming to tell you that I was pregnant. You were right! I had to tell a fib to throw you off. And yes, it was killing me the whole time I was talking to you.

Love you lots! - Erika

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