All the family, that is. We still have some friends to break the news to. Our trip to TN went great! far as telling the family. The actual traveling part was a nightmare, but we only have Delta to blame for that. Since we didn't get our luggage until the last night that we were there, we had to improvise on the t-shirt. We wound up writing the message on a white t-shirt that Delta gave us and giving it to Rusty Saturday afternoon. Everyone was together in the camper and was able to share the news at the same time. Everyone burst into cheers...Angela even cried. And, to her credit, she did know. She even asked me 15 minutes before we told everyone and I had to fib - again. But it was all worth it. The look on everyone's face was priceless.

I was only sick twice this weekend, having to blame the Saturday morning sickness on the mountains. Motion sickness?! Had to come up with something to throw Michael's parents off. It worked. For the most part, the morning sickness has really gotten better. I still feel sick here and there, but not nauseous ALL DAY like I was before. I just have to make sure that I eat before I get hungry. So is that why I can't fit into my clothes? At the doctor last week I still weighed 104, but my stomach has already started to expand. So, I'm starting a new thing. Every month I'll post a picture of my growing belly. Here's the first one...don't laugh!

I didn't believe it myself so I had to show it to Michael. He couldn't believe it either! It's not much, but it's there. It's just enough so that my pants don't zip. At this rate, the people who don't know will know soon. I'm getting my hair chopped off today. Being pregnant changes so many things...things I didn't know would change. My hair being one of them. It's so dry and stringy and I'm sick of it. I can't wait! I guess that's enough for now. More to come soon!
You look soo adorable! I am very happy for the two of you!!I can't wait to see how you "expand"!!
Okay I left the comment it didn't let me put my name in. So I am send another comment and putting my name in.
get in line aunts and uncles. first time grandpas get first spoiling rights.
Reviewed your blog again today. This is such a neat way to communicate! Are you sure there's not two of them in that expanding tummy of yours! It is the generation for twins you know.
The time is passing so fast, however, I am sure, not for you.
There is so much to look forward to. Can't wait to see you guys soon.
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