20 weeks, 3 days: Still growing...
Here's my belly pic at 20 weeks. At my last appt (two weeks ago) I still weighed 119, same as three weeks previous. So the weight gain is more under control than it was in the beginning. Still, I feel huge!
I'm feeling really good. The baby moves ALL the time and I love it! I'm at the point now where I can feel her whether I'm lying down trying to feel her or just standing up moving around. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and she's doing flips. Michael and I sat there one night and just wondered what it is that she's doing in there. I never could have imagined how fun and amazing it is to have a person growing inside of you! I just can't wait to meet her. The nursery is now completely painted and the furniture moved in. It still needs some arranging and a lot of decorating, but I can't believe it's finished. Here's a picture of the walls and the bedding that we have.
It's another two weeks before I head back to the doctor. Until then, I'll keep you updated if anything new comes up!
- Erika
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