Last week all of the one and two year olds from Addison's school went on a little field trip to the park. It's not far, so they loaded them all up in the wagons and headed off. Michael and I were able to meet them there to have lunch and hang out for a bit. Addison was so happy to see her daddy. The kids were so exhausted after playing and eating and ready to get back for their nap. You can see the "I'm ready for a nap look" in Addison's eyes. It was a struggle for her to finish her popsicle.

16 kids, 5 teachers and 5 parents. This is what you get. Everyone was sitting down, eating and for the most part well behaved. It's moments like this that remind me how important sticking to a routine is for a child. Addison is a big fan.
And it's also moments like this that remind me of why I only want two children.
Hey! Did you block out the kids faces with black squares? We had a great weekend with you guys. Miss you already, Allison
I did. I don't mind posting my pictures on the web, but wasn't sure how others would feel.
I got the pictures yesterday. Thanks for sending. I'll have to post some here. We had a blast! Hope to see you again soon.
Oh yeah- schedules are a must aren't they.. and yes, I know what you mean by only wanting two children... trust me!
Hey Girl! I am glad you got the pictures. I thought they turned out really good. My Mom loved the one's of you and Addison playing outside. Maybe Cole and I can do that again before he starts back to school. Michael was great with Cole. I appreciate that so much. We love you, Al
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