36 weeks, 3 days: Party time!
I'm a lucky girl to have such good friends. Three friends of mine here in Jacksonville threw a baby shower for me on Satruday the 17th. It was a lot of fun to get together with friends and play those fun baby shower games. Thanks to everyone who came and for all the great gifts we received. Here are the lovely girls who hosted the shower - (Clockwise...me, Tiffany, Chandra and Kim).
Below are Hollie (left) and Carla playing the "guess the baby food" game.
And every pregnant woman's favorite thing...CAKE!!!
I went to the doctor again today. Things are still looking great. He did confirm that she is head down and that if I went into labor they would not try to stop it. Heart rate was 145 and I'm up another 2 pounds. For those keeping track, that's 41 lbs to date, weight of 145! YIKES! The doc didn't say a word about it though. Other than having cankles and elephant feet, peeing all the time, not sleeping well,the occasional contraction, horrible allergies and fatigue, I'm doing WELL! Seriously though...I'm not complaining. I've loved every minute of it. I think I'm getting to the point where I'm just anxious for her to be here. She has definitely "dropped" over the past week which has made the heartburn and the breathing better. The book says approximately 2 weeks from the time she drops so we'll see if she comes early. Hopefully early and healthy! Only 25 days to go!

Heading to Gainesville tomorrow for my baby shower/family get together. Should be a lot of fun! Hopefully I can find something to wear and shoes to fit my big 'ole feet! I'll update with pics after this weekend.
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