37 weeks, 1 day: More parties!
Last Thursday, March 22nd, my work crew threw a baby shower for me. It had all my favorite things...great people, Chick-fil-a for lunch and cake! Thanks to all for the great gifts. Here is a picture of the cake. How cute...

Here's Michael and my cousin Craig playing the 'drink the beer from the baby bottle game'. Believe it or not, Michael won! It was very funny to watch grown men drink from a bottle...

Once again, here is the cake. These last two weeks have been rough on me with all this cake. And the doc tells me to watch my weight...it's not my fault.
Update on other things...I'm still feeling pretty good. The biggest problem at this point is my feet. They're huge! Some days are better than others, but they're pretty much always swollen. I have two pairs of shoes that I wear all the time and before it's all over I may be in flip flops everyday. We're still putting things away in the nursery, washing clothes and getting ready for our little one. The baby pool at work has started and a lot of people think it will be next week. I hope so, but who knows. Doc appt on Friday. Should just be a quick listen of the heartbeat and a check of my blood pressure. No "checking" until next week. Addison is still moving around a ton. Sometimes I think her feet are going to pop through my side. I'm trying to treasure it though b/c feeling her move is still the best thing ever! Michael's mom, sister and niece will be here this weekend to visit and help out with some last minute things. Can't wait to see them! More updates to come. Stay tuned.

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