20 days: Doc appt
Addison went to see Dr. Cooper today. She is now up to 9 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 inches long. Doc said she is doing great and can tell that she's starting to focus and maybe even smile. She always does so great at the doctor - no crying at all! We also went by my office today and introduced her to everyone. She slept the entire time. I think she's going through her 3 week growth spurt. She's been sleeping a lot during the day and had a really restless night last night, wanting to eat every two hours or so. But, she had a first. I laid her down after eating and of course she woke back up. After about 5 or 10 minutes she fell asleep on her own. I was so proud of her. It didn't last long, but I was happy nonetheless. This was her today in her bouncer seat.
My dad was here this past weekend to meet Addison for the first time. He held her a lot which allowed me to get a couple of good naps. My brother and his wife also came on Friday night and we went out for our first dinner. She did great! It must be something about the car seat. Our next big challenge is to transition her from her bassinet to the crib. We'll start with naps and see how that goes. 
This was after a bath on Sunday. I can't wait until her umbilical cord falls off and we can actually put her in the water. She cries a little when we wash her now, but I think it's because she gets cold. We love her lots!
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