4 weeks, 1 day: Surprise!!! I’m pregnant! Here’s what led up to today…
Friday, August 4th – It was only day 24, but I have been having “symptoms” for over a week. After 7 months of trying I broke down and took the one test that I had in the house. Two lines? Could it be? It was faint, but according to the box, a line is a line. Did I do it wrong? I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but that mixed with all the symptoms was a good sign. Still a little early, I decided to wait two days and test again. It was off to the store to get more tests…
Sunday, August 6th – I had to be a little sneaky b/c I didn’t want to tell Michael until I was 100% sure. He had been telling me for months that my so called symptoms were all in my head and month after month he was right. So I hop out of bed and head to the testing sight…the bathroom, of course. There it was again, TWO LINES! And it was definitely darker than last time. Now I was getting excited, but it was still only day 26. Cautiously optimistic…
Monday, August 7th – One more test…just to make sure. I had been using First Response, so I decided to try another brand. This one was supposed to show a plus sign AND IT DID! I was sure now. It all made sense, the sore bb’s, the week when I could barely keep my eyes open, the metal taste in my mouth and the migraine I had since Sunday afternoon. This time it wasn’t all in my head. I WAS PREGNANT!!!
How to tell Michael? I printed the picture I had taken of the tests along with other baby related stuff – crib, mobile, rocking chair, bouncer, changing table and ‘baby on board’ sign. I taped in them in his closet knowing it would be one of the first places he would go when he got home. “What the heck is this?” I hear him say. “Seriously, what is this?” I walk in the room and asked him what he thought it meant. “You’re pregnant?” YES!!! It was the best moment. He was so surprised and I will never forget the look on his face.
So…here we are today. I took another First Response this morning, a day after Aunt Flo was supposed to be here and the two lines are darker than before. That’s a good sign. I have my first doctor’s appointment on August 28th, but hopefully I can get in sooner. I know most of you reading this have not been told at this point, but we both wanted to wait until the first doc’s appointment. I’ll keep this updated with progress reports and pictures. We love you all and can’t wait to share the next nine months with our family and friends.
Love ya! - Erika